美军撤离阿富汗一周年之际,总台CGTN和阿富汗沙姆沙德电视台联合制作《阿富汗:和平重建之路》电视论坛。这是两国媒体首次举办高级别电视论坛,旨在推动国际社会帮助阿富汗缓解人道主义危机。论坛分两场展开深入讨论,上半场关注如何缓解阿富汗人民当下面临的人道主义困境,下半场聚焦阿富汗重建之路。China Global Television Network (CGTN) and Afghanistan's Shamshad TV jointly hosted a high-level TV forum "Afghanistan In Transition" on Afghanistan's post-war recovery efforts. The program is the first co-production between two major media networks of both countries, aiming to raise awareness of the multiple challenges facing the country a year after the U.S. withdrawal.
UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths, and China's Special Envoy on Afghan Affairs Yue Xiaoyong delivered addresses. Discussions were hosted from studios in Beijing and Kabul, with senior government officials, NGO representatives, and scholars ready to dive into topics including how to deal with the current dire humanitarian situation in the country and the path to its reconstruction.
中国外交部阿富汗事务特使岳晓勇表示,一年前阿富汗局势发生重大变化,阿富汗人民迎来真正掌握自身前途命运的历史性契机,同时却面临着严峻的挑战。现在中国和阿富汗媒体联合举办节目恰逢其时。岳晓勇特使指出,中方认为与阿富汗的临时政府保持交流是必要之举。要真的帮助阿富汗人民,就不能绕过阿富汗当局 ,否则任何实质的结果都难以实现。在过去的一年里,中国通过双边渠道向阿富汗提供了价值超过3.5亿元的紧急人道主义援助。
Yue Xiaoyong, China's Special Envoy on Afghan Affairs, delivered a keynote speech for the occasion from Kabul during his visit, sharing China's views on the Afghanistan issue. Yue said it is timely for the Chinese and Afghan media to jointly host the special program. The Special Envoy pointed out that China believes it is necessary to maintain communication with the interim government of Afghanistan. To truly help the Afghan people, one cannot bypass the Afghan authorities, otherwise any substantial results will be difficult to achieve. Yue revealed that in the past year, China has provided more than 350 million yuan worth of emergency humanitarian aid to Afghanistan through bilateral channels.
据联合国和国际援助机构估计,阿富汗约有1900万人面临严重饥饿,相当于该国近一半人口。与此同时,阿富汗银行体系冻结和现金流动性短缺,导致经济运行严重受阻,公共服务尤其是医疗服务的运转难以为继。联合国人道主义事务协调厅主管人道主义事务副秘书长马丁•格里菲思呼吁国际社会团结一致,与阿富汗人民站在一起!According to United Nations and international aid agencies, about 19 million people in Afghanistan, nearly half of the country's population face severe hunger. At the same time, the freezing of the Afghan banking system and the shortage of cash liquidity have led to serious disruptions in the functioning of the economy and the unsustainable operation of public services, especially health services. Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator of UN, addresses why it is crucial for us to join hands and stand by the Afghan people in solidarity.在喀布尔的演播室里,阿富汗塔利班临时政府外交部发言人阿卜杜拉·卡哈尔·巴尔基先生感谢了国际社会尤其是中国对阿富汗的关注和援助。他指出,当外国军队和占领势力撤出阿富汗时,许多如政府部门、非政府组织和大使馆的白领工作也随之消失了,这导致阿富汗的中产阶级遭受了巨大的打击。巴尔基说道 “基本上,在阿富汗已经没有中产阶级了。”
In the studio in Kabul, Mr. Abdul Qahar Balkhi, a spokesperson of the Afghanistan Intetim Government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked the international attention and aids given to his country, particularly the ones from China, and admitted that the middle class of Afghanistan is suffering tremendously, stating that urban office jobs in government departments, NGOs and the embassies all but disappeared when foreign troops and occupying forces pulled out of Afghanistan, "Basically, there is no longer a middle class in Afghanistan," said the spokesperson. 然而,巴尔基也指出,城市里的困境不能完全代表国家现状,因为阿富汗的绝大多数人口生活在农村。他相信如果阿富汗的农业可以好好发展,不仅可以带来粮食安全,还可以为该国的经济带来活力。他补充道,政府的长期目标是利用阿富汗的地理位置优势,将其变成一个贸易、转运、联接的枢纽。同时,阿富汗也希望能成为一个能源出口国。
However Balkhi pointed out that the vast majority of the population of Afghanistan is rural-based and a strong agriculture sector could bring not only food security but also vitality to the country's economy. He added the government's long term goal is to turn Afghanistan into a hub of trade, transit, connectivity, and an exporter of energy.在北京演播室,红十字国际委员会主席中国事务个人特使柯邱鸣分享了红十字会的观察。他指出阿富汗已经发生了可见的变化,国家各地的多个检查站已经消失,这使得阿富汗人和人道主义组织更容易在全国各地走动。柯邱鸣表示,红十字国际委员会呼吁世界各国转变不愿意与阿富汗现政府接触的态度,因为想解决人道主义问题就需要增强联系。同时他也强调,“无论是红十字会还是阿富汗人,没有人希望一直指望人道主义救援。人道主义应急可以是一座桥梁,但未来的希望必须是改善经济环境、合作和经济投资。这才是我们需要的。”In the Beijing studio, Pierre Kraehenbuehl, Personal Envoy of the ICRC President to China and Head of the ICRC Regional Delegation East Asia gave his insights. He said that there has been evolution in Afghanistan, multiple checkpoints around the country have disappeared, which made it easier for Afghans and humanitarian organizations to travel across the country. He says the ICRC calls for states around the world to overcome the reluctance to engage with the current Afghan government since we need engagement to resolve humanitarian issues. “But nobody, not the ICRC or any Afghan, wants humanitarian responses to be the horizon. Humanitarian responses can be a bridge. The horizon has to be improved economic circumstances, cooperation, and economic investment. That is definitely what is needed for.”清华大学战略与安全研究中心研究员周波认为最大的安慰是被称为 “永远的战争 ”的阿富汗战争已经结束。并且他乐观地认为,和平局势将维持,允许阿富汗人民重建国家。而中国将会帮助阿富汗重建。Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow at Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University says he thinks the greatest relief is that "the forever war" is over. He is also optimistic that by-and-large, peace is there to stay for people to reconstruct or rebuild the country. And China would be there to help Afghanistan. 周波说道,当他读到今年3月在中国举行的第三次阿富汗周边国家外长会议的宣言时,他很受感动。“这个宣言不仅关于政治目标,并且切实是一份关于每个国家能够帮助阿富汗做什么的清单。”周波指出,中国还邀请了俄罗斯和美国等非邻国来讨论如何帮助阿富汗。他认为这显示了国际社会在面临乌克兰危机的情况下,仍在努力给阿富汗提供尽可能多的帮助。Zhou says he was touched when he read the declaration from the third Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan which took place in China March this year. "This declaration is not only about political goals. This is actually a list about what each individual country can do to help Afghanistan." Zhou also pointed out that China has also invited non-neighboring countries like Russia and the United States to discuss how to help Afghanistan. He believes this shows how the international community, despite the crisis in Ukraine, is still trying to help as much as possible.《远程杀戮》 | 阿富汗无人机空袭亲历者:“我们都很害怕”